Running TEXFormat from the CLI

Format: TeXFormat & Format: TeXFormat & CURRENTFORMAT=<env-variable> & FORMATPATH=<path for TEX formats> & [PUBSCREEN=<PubScreen>] & [PATTERN=<file pattern for format files>]


Description of the command line options:

CURRENTFORMAT CURRENTFORMAT Specifies the environment variable which contains the name of the format files that TEX should use.
Example for PasTEX: CURRENTFORMAT=texformat. FORMATPATH The full path to your TEX format files.
Example : FORMATPATH=tex:formats. PUBSCREEN This keyword is only available for the non-MUI version.
Specifies the name of the public screen on which TEXFormat should open its window. Default is the default public screen.
Example: SCREEN=ShowDVI-PubScr opens the TEXFormat window on the ShowDVI previewer screen (ShowDVI is the previewer of the PasTeX implementation).
The public screen for the MUI version can be determined by using the screen manager of the MUI preference program, see the documentation of MUI. PATTERN Specifies the file pattern for TEX format files.
Example : PATTERN=#?.fmt.